COLLISTAR magica BB face and body
Recently, I've lost my inspiration to write something on my blog but I'm fully re-energized and ready to give you ladies some advise and review and something more then that :) I want to post a blog post every week and I hope that I will keep my promise to you!
So I found in my makeup draw a little box with these two guys in it. First is MAGICA BB viso SPF 20 face cream and second is MAGICA BB body cream. The shade was too dark for me because I'm not using a fake tan, but the formula is very very good. The smell of the product is very enjoyable. Face BB cream is very light, with almost no coverage but definitely buildable. But if you have some noticeable skin imperfections(like I do), then you have to work with concealers first.
Mark: 7/10
My ultimate favorite is body BB cream from COLLISTAR. I don't know how long this product is out in stock, because I guess I got this package on Christmas last year :D BUT, I didn't knew that there is body BB cream, I always compared that with fake tanning lotion. This stuff is amazing - cream adjusts your own skin colour so it won't be to dark for you, it doesn't transfer to clothes, it absorbes into skin very quickly and it last long. I wouldn't use it in summer, because I like to sunbathing a lot but in winter this product will be my most have! I personally don't like solarium or fake tan (maybe I didn't found my ultimate fav one yet) so I will use it definitely on my arms, because they are so pail in winter and I hate it and on my neck/chest. (I tried it and it worked well on both spots).
Mark: 10/10
Mani pameta rakstīšanas iedvesma uz pāris mēnešiem, bet nu esmu atguvusies enerģiju un atpūtusies pilnībā gatava sniegt jums dāmas atsauksmes, ieteikumus un citas interesantas lietas manā blogā! Plānoju publicēt rakstus katru nedēļu un ceru, ka spēšu saglabāt šo solījumu!
Vērtējums: 7/10
Savukārt COLLISTAR ķermeņa BB krēms mani pārsteidza pilnībā. Es nezinu cik ilgi šie produkti ir pieejami veikalos, jo acīmredzot saņēmu tos dāvanā pirms gada, BET es nezināju, ka ir ķermeņa BB krēmi, jo es vienmēr uzskatīju, ka tas ir paštonējošais losjons un nepievērsu tam uzmanību. Šis brīnumainais krēms pielāgojas jūsu ādas krāsai, tāpēc tas nevar būt jums pārāk tumš, tas nesmērē drēbes, ātri iesūcas ādā un ir ilgnoturīgs. Par cik ir vasara un man patīk sauļoties, šo krēmu intensīvajai lietošanai atstāšu ziemas sezonai (bet esmu viņu izmēģinājusi). Krēmu krāju uz plaukstām un kakla/dekoltē zonas, jo ziemā parasti plaukstas ir visbālākās, kas man ļoti nepatīk, bet solāriju neapmeklēju un labu paštonējošo krēmu vēl neesmu atradusi :D Bet šis BB krēms noteikti ir mans glābiņš.
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